OGO School Level Examination (SLE)
Science Olympiad
OGO Science Olympiad Exam helps in enhancing 21st Century skills viz., Investigation, Data Interpretation, Problem Solving, Observation, etc. via Multiple Choice Questions framed on Bloom’s Taxonomy.
It serves as an excellent tool for evaluating students’ overall understanding of Science concepts, and develops students’ Critical Thinking, Evaluation and Problem Solving, Analytical, Out of Box Thinking Abilities. The competition provides a platform for showcasing individual talents and also fosters a culture of innovation and excellence.
OGO Science Olympiads play a vital role in shaping the future in the field of Science & Technology.
Skill Assessed with OGO Science Olympiad Examination
( For Classes - 1 to 10 )





Exam Pattern
- Total 30 Questions
- 5 questions based on Logical Reasoning
- 20 questions based on Subject Knowledge
- 5 questions based on Competency Enhancement
- Total 40 questions
- 8 questions based on Logical Reasoning
- 25 questions based on Subject Knowledge out of which 5 questions will have 2-key answers
- 7 questions based on Competency Enhancement
- Total 50 questions
- 10 questions based on Logical Reasoning
- 30 questions based on Subject Knowledge out of which 5 questions will have 2-key answers
- 10 questions based on Competency Enhancement
My Body; My Family and Relatives; Food We Eat; Housing and Clothing; Good Habits, Safety Rules and First Aid; Living and Non-living Things; Animals with their Babies and Homes; Plants; Sun, Moon and Earth; Air, Water and Weather
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
My Body Parts; Family, Society and Festivals; Food, Housing and Clothing; Transport and Communication; Good Habits, Safety Rules and First Aid; Living and Non-living Things; Plants; Animals; Earth, Universe and Rocks; Air, Water and Weather
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Plants; Animals and Birds; Human Body; Food and Food Chain; House and Occupation; Transport and Communication; Matter, Material and Motion; Earth and Universe; Air, Water and Weather; Light and Sound
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Human Body; Food, Health and Hygiene; Plants; Animals and Birds; Ecosystem, Habitat and Adaptation; Matter and Materials; Weather and Air; Rocks to Soil; Solar System; Work, Energy and Force; Protecting the Environment
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Plants; Animals and Birds; Human Body; Food, Health and Shelter; Matter and Materials; Air, Water and Weather; Space Science; Soil, Rock and Minerals; Environment and Natural Resources; Work, Force and Energy
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Food and its Components; Fibre to Fabric; Sorting Materials into Groups; Separation of Substances; Changes Around Us; Getting to Know Plants; Body Movements; The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings; Motion and Measurement of Distances; Light, Shadows and Reflections; Electricity and Circuits; Fun with Magnets; Water and Air; Garbage In, Garbage Out
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Nutrition in Plants; Nutrition in Animals; Fibre to Fabric; Heat; Acid, Base and Salts; Physical and Chemical Changes; Weather, Climate and Adaptations of Animals to Climate; Winds, Storms and Cyclones; Respiration in Organisms; Transportation in Animals and Plants; Reproduction in Plants; Motion and Time; Electric Current and its Effects; Light; Water: A Precious Resource; Forests: Our Lifeline
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Crop Production and Management; Microorganisms: Friend and Foe; Synthetic Fibres and Plastics; Materials: Metals and Non-Metals; Coal and Petroleum; Combustion and Flame; Conservation of Plants and Animals; Cell – Structure and Functions; Reproduction; Force and Pressure; Friction; Sound and Light; Chemical Effects of Electric Current; Some Natural Phenomena; Stars and the Solar System; Pollution of Air and Water
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Matter in Our Surroundings; Is Matter Around Us Pure?; Atoms and Molecules; Structure of the Atom; The Fundamental Unit of Life; Tissues; Motion; Force and Laws of Motion; Gravitation; Work and Energy; Sound; Improvement in Food Resources
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial
Chemical Reactions and Equations; Acids, Bases and Salts; Metals and Non-metals; Carbon and its Compounds; Life Processes; Control and Coordination; How do Organisms Reproduce?; Heredity; Light-Reflection and Refraction; The Human Eye and the Colourful World; Electricity; Magnetic Effects of Electric Current; Our Environment
Competency Enhancement
Same as chapters
Logical Reasoning
Critical Thinking, Analysis, Shapes Patterns, Puzzle, Decoding, Pictorial