OGO School Level Examination (SLE)
Reasoning & Aptitude Olympiad
Our new generation is being brought up in an era where technology and innovation create new milestones daily. Without an analytical and logical approach, it cannot be possible to get exposure and achieve in any field. The reasoning skills can be developed by enhancing mental abilities and sharpness…
OGO Reasoning & Aptitude Olympiads aims to help students sharpen their analytical and logical reasoning skills, and improve problem-solving aptitude. For the learners, the OGO provides the platform and equip them to face, thrive and excel in the competitive world at national and international levels.
Skill Assessed with OGO Reasoning & Aptitude Olympiad Examination
( For Classes - 1 to 8 )



Information Processing and Problem Solving



Exam Pattern
- Total 30 Questions
- 5 questions based on Quantitative Aptitude
- 5 questions based on Competency
- 20 questions based on Logical Reasoning
- Total 40 questions
- 7 questions based on Quantitative Aptitude
- 7 questions based on competency
- 26 questions based on Logical Reasoning
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Odd One Out, Comparison, Spatial Awareness, Figure Counting, Skip Counting, Reverse Counting, Skip Counting in Reverse, Clocks, Calendar
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Skip Counting, Clocks & Calendar
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Odd One Out, Geometrical Shapes, Figure completion, Ranking, Coding-Decoding, Skip Counting, Measurement of Length, Measurement of Weight, Measurement of Capacity
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Geometrical Shapes, Measurement of Length, Measurement of Weight, Measurement of Capacity
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Classification, Mirror images, Alphabet Test, Directions, Days and Dates, Coding and Decoding, Ranking, Figure Matrix, Money, Length, Weight and Capacity
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Days and Dates, Money, Length, Weight and Capacity
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Mirror Images and Water Images, Ranking, Cubes and Nets, Figure Matrix, Completion of Pattern, ALPHABET TEST, Direction Sense Test, Symmetry, Puzzles
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Cubes and Nets, Completion of Pattern, Symmetry
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Alphabet Test, Ranking Test, Direction Sense Test, Missing Numbers, Completion of Incomplete Pattern, Symmetry, Embedded Figures
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Missing Numbers, Completion of Incomplete Pattern, Symmetry
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Classification, CODING-DECODING, Alphabet Test, Ranking, Blood Relations, MISSING NUMBERS, Mathematical Operations, Direction and Distance, Alphanumeric Sequences, VENN DIAGRAM, Figure Based Intelligence
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
MISSING NUMBERS, Mathematical Operations
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Ranking Test, Blood Relations, Missing Numbers, Figure Counting, Mathematical Operations, Direction and Distance, Alphanumeric Sequences, Venn Diagram, Figure Based Intelligence
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Missing Numbers, Mathematical Operations
Chapters (Logical Reasoning)
Series, Analogy, Classification, Coding-Decoding, Ranking Test, Blood Relations, Missing Numbers, Figure Counting, Mathematical Operations, Direction and Distance, Alphanumeric Sequences, Venn Diagram, Figure Based Intelligence
Competency Enhancement
As chapters mentioned in the OGO Mathematics Prepbook
Quantitative Aptitude
Missing Numbers, Mathematical Operations